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Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) Vietnam

Popularity: 324    Zoom in font    Zoom out font Website: http://www.agroviet.gov.vn/
Introduction: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) is a governmental agency performing state management functions in the fields of agriculture, forestry, salt production, fishery, irrigation/water services and rural development nationwide, including state management functions with regard to delivery of public service in accordance with legal documents.

II. Tasks and authorities:
MARD performs its tasks and authorities based on Decree No.178/2007/ND-CP dated 3rd, December, 2007 issued by the Government on stipulation of functions, mandates, authorities and organization structure of Ministries, equal-to-ministry agencies and conduct specific tasks and authorities as follows:

Submit to the Government legal projects, draft resolutions of the National Assembly, ordinances, draft resolutions of National Assembly Standing Board; draft resolutions, decrees based on approved programs, annual law plans of MARD and projects assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister.

Submit to the Prime Minister the development master plans and strategies; annual, five-year and long term plans as well as key programs and projects within the Ministry’s mandated areas.

Issue decisions, directives, and circulars within the Ministry’s mandated areas; guide how to implement these documents and inspect the implementation process.
Guide, supervise and organize the implementation of legal documents, strategies, master plans, programs, projects, standards, techno-economic norms relating to agriculture, forestry, salt industry, fishery, irrigation/water services and rural development. Disseminate information and raise public awareness about regulations within areas covered by the Ministry’s mandated areas.
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