The Combined Edible Nut Trade Association [CENTA]
Introduction: The Combined Edible Nut Trade Association [CENTA] was formed in 1970 by the amalgamation of various individual tree nut associations. It was then felt advisable to create one large body embracing all these Associations thereby giving the nut trade generally a much greater strength to cope with modern day problems and pressures, and have its voice heard both nationally and internationally in times of competitive markets, ever-changing legislation and the food safety issues affecting the industry.
The ensuing years have seen a steady growth, with the Association gaining many new members both in the United Kingdom and abroad. The membership comprises mainly importers and merchants, with also some brokers and representatives from the manufacturing and processing trade and service providers such as warehouses, banks, etc. Besides the UK membership, the Association has member companies in Europe, the USA, India and the Far East.
The nut products covered within the Association comprise: Almond kernels, Apricot kernels, Brazil kernels, Cashew kernels, Hazelnut kernels, Pistachio kernels, Walnut kernels and Nuts in Shell.
In 1989, following an approach by FRUCOM, (Fédération Européenne du Commerce en Fruits Secs, Conserves, Épices et Miel) of Hamburg, it was decided to broaden CENTA's interest by joining that Federation as this would give closer links with its European partners, such as the Hamburg Waren-Verein, and a stronger voice at the conference table n Brussels. At the same time the Association has taken care to ensure that this move will not affect its identity and the objective of keeping the Association a strong, independent body serving its members in all aspects of the edible nut trade. Close links have also been forged with the Association of Food Industries Inc. in the United States.
CENTA is administered by a General Purposes Committee of up to fourteen persons democratically elected from member companies. This Committee discusses and monitors all matters pertaining to the trade generally and keeps members advised of any information that it considers necessary.
The Association operates under strict Terms and Conditions and Rules. These give members full protection through arbitration and appeal procedures for any disputes which may arise during the course of their trading activities. The Association maintains a panel of arbitrators comprised of experts drawn from member companies to cover quality claims on all the various types of nuts traded under its Terms and also to decide on technical disputes. For disputes involving quality, the arbitrators are selected from the panel by the Association's Secretary on a rotation basis; in the case of technical disputes, parties appoint their own arbitrators from the panel.
Contact Information |
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18 Lichfield Road, Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 9ST |
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