AarhusKarlshamn AB (publ.)
Introduction: AAK refines vegetable oils for specialised products which meet our customers' high requirements. In partnership with its customers, AAK develops leading global positions with a high level of profitability.
AAK should be the first choice for customers whose production relies on high value-added vegetable oils. This is what has made AAK the world's leading producer of speciality vegetable fats. The products are used as substitutes for dairy fat and cocoa butter, as transfree solutions for fillings for chocolate and confectionery products, as well as by the cosmetics industry.
Raw materials are obtained from areas such as Asia and West Africa. AAK is committed to sustainable development and is a founder of RSPO, Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil, and GreenPalm Ltd. Through these initiatives, AAK has contributed to the natural extraction of palm oil through natural agricultral development without ruthless exploitation.
AAK's products originate in the plant kingdom and are renewable. This means that they have minimum impact on the environment. AAK's products are used, for example, as lubricants for forestry machinery. The waste products discharged by the machinery to the ecco-system during the production process have no harmful impact on the environment.
AAK is organised in three business areas; Chocolate & Confectionery Fats, Food Ingredients and Technical Products & Feed. The cosmetics unit, which is part of Chocolate & Confectionery Fats, is a rapidly-growing operation.
Production facilities are located in Denmark, Mexico, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Uruguay and the USA.
AAK has purchasing and sales offices in several key locations around the world.
AAK's head office is in Malmö, Sweden, and acts as a central meeting place for the entire Group. It communicates well with the principal operations in Denmark and Sweden, and is within easy striking distance of Copenhagen International Airport.
The parent company, AarhusKarlshamn AB, is a Swedish registered joint-stock company based in Malmö. The Company’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, in the Mid Cap segment, Consumer Commodities sector.
Contact Information |
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Jungmansgatan 12 SE-211 19 Malmö Sweden |
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